
Home decoration has always taken diverse directions in the modern century. Giving your kitchen, bathroom or your living room an incredible floor is not a joke. It requires careful selection of tiles that will fulfill your fantasy household. There is a wide variety of options that you can take to remodel your home. You can consider using hardwood floors or else select tiles. One of the tricks most people use in their homes today is using art tiles. They are incredible.

Mosaic tiles are one of the artistic tiles that are popular today. They have proven to be more durable and functional, and above all, they are beautiful. Therefore, when considering whether to purchase mosaic tiles or hardwood floors, put into consideration the following benefits of installing mosaic tiles.

Suitable to handle the harsh environment

Bathrooms are prone to a moist environment. Additionally, thekitchenis spill-prone. Here is where mosaic tiles win. Mosaic tiles are very functional in such environments. You don’t have to regularly wipe themwhen there is a spill to avoid water stains. They can handle and withstand excessive heat, moisture,and light. The reason behind this is that they come from rocks and marble which were already in harsh conditions such as heat and high pressure. Hardwood,on the other hand,is sensitive. In case of a spill, you have to dry the floor immediately to avoid it to stain.

Mosaic tiles last longer than hardwood

Hardwoods are easily banged up with scratches and nicks. They also get dull over a period especially when you do not maintain them properly. Tile floor,on the other hand, can last longer with maintaining good conditions than the hardwood floors. More so, mosaic tiles are beautiful and maintain the beauty over a longer time.

Tiles are harder than wood

Mosaic tile is hard. When you drop strong stuff on it, it will withstand it against wood which will break. You can use such tiles for many decades and still, your floor looks new. Additionally, there is noworry about installing heavy furniture into your room since these tiles are not easily damaged.

Mosaic tiles are less costly than hardwood

Wood tiles are more expensive than tiles. Most luxury homeownersutilize few mosaic tiles and concentrate on wood floors. However, the differences are all the same. In fact, mosaic tiles are more functional, durable and beautiful. Therefore, by using the wood floor, it can limit you when installing the tiles in your home.

Tiles are easy to maintain

Mosaic tiles are easy to maintain and handle. There is a big difference between them and wood floors. Hardwood canbe affected by sunlight and lose color over time. Mosaic tiles are capable of handling water stains, spills and high temperatures. You only need to clean them occasionally and polish them with no fear that they might get discolored or stains.

Mosaic tiles are customizable

Mosaic tiles are capable of creating various designs and patterns that you have always dreamt ofhaving. These tiles are also able to accommodate water jet designs without much effort, and still bring out an awesome design which would be not possible with wood. Most people prefer these tiles when anticipating to bring their long-awaited fantasy into the reality.

All in all, mosaic tiles benefits outweigh hardwood tiles. Their functional and durable nature gives them an advantage. Not only that these artistry tiles are great on floors, but they are fabulous when creating a perfect backdrop. You can use them to create your desired environment that you have always desires to have. Such kind of background includes city theme, forested theme, marine or even natural background.