Electric water heaters have become the necessity of today’s life. There are various reasons that electric water heaters are being preferred over gas water heaters and more and more people are opting for these heaters.
Following are some of the reasons why electric water heaters can stand tall amongst its competitors:
- Cost Effective: Amongst all the water heaters available presently in the market, an electric water heater is the most cost effective option due to its affordability. But it is important to know that the cost may vary.
It all will depend on the capacity and size of the heater no matter how much electricity it consumes. For example, you will find the heaters that come with tank are cheaper compared to the heaters which don’t have tanks.
One more thing,on which the price can depend, is installation services of the electric heater.
Gas water heaters have more installation price as a separate ventilation system has to be installed to vent the air being produced in the combustion process.
The electric water heaters do not require any extra piping in the home because the installation system does not require it.
Sometimes you have to upgrade the electric system of your home before the installing electric water heater which may cost you little more but these is not very common.
- Effectiveness: The energy factor of an electric heater works a lot while checking the efficiencies of different water heaters.
The EF factors evaluate the efficiency of the heater and tell you how effectively it heats the water, measuring the consumption of electricity while heating the water.
If you have the knowledge of EF, you easily can differentiate various heaters comparing the EF of each heater. It is very simple, the higher the EF, the higher the efficiency.
As far as efficiency prospect is concerned, an electric water heater is far betterthan gas heaters. A normal gas water heaters usually have 0.5 – 0.7 EF numbers while in electric water heaters this efficiency can go up to 0.9 which is quite high.
Generally, it is seen that most of the energy in gas heaters is lost during the process of emitting gas while on the other hand it is not present in an electric water heater.
3. Safety: As far as safety is concerned, both gas andelectric water heaters are safe while heating water. But there are always chances of gas leakage in any gadget which runs on gas and it is same with gas heaters.
You have to maintain them well to avoid the leakage or any type of such risk. Electric gadgets also have their own risks but they are far safer especially when it comes to an electric water heater.
4. Sourceful: Since every home has its own electric grid, they are readily available to install any electric gadget. Which means any home can install an electric water heater easily. You need not put extra wires or pipes to install an electric water heater in your home.