This may not come as a shock to you, but noise is not your friend. We’ve already reported that the world’s background-noise levels are probably louder today than at any point in history, causing damage to eardrums and sanities equally –possibly with negative consequences for cardiovascular health and cognitive development, also. Loud noises interrupt our concentration, break into our discussions, and disturb our sleep. They are all around us, too, particularly in our houses. Everything from your dishwasher to your hairdryer is damaging your eardrums (and that’s probably the smallest of its consequences).
Noise Abatement Society, founded in 1959, also has sought to bring quiet back to the planet; now, Silent Mark–led by the Noise Abatement Society creator’s granddaughter, Poppy Szkileris now picking up the campaign.
“Frequently, it is very difficult to understand how noisy a home quiet appliances or a piece of technology is until you get it home,” Szkiler says. “We started Quiet Mark back in 2012 to provide consumers a very clear point of reference to what the quietest high-performance thing .
Quiet Mark has been working in the United Kingdom since, Trying to help Consumers create quieter homes by spotlighting the quietest appliances, tools, and more currently available on the market. The Quiet Mark award application puts products through an extensive series of tests that look at technical noise reduction options, decibel levels, and psychoacoustics (fundamentally, how distinct sounds’ traits excite distinct sensory senses, even if they have the exact same decibel level).
How to Find Peace and Quiet in a Noisy World
If an object is silent enough to meet Quiet Mark’s customer Winner criteria, it’s awarded the seal: an attractively straightforward, purple Q. Manufacturers can put the logo in their packaging so consumers know the items they’re buying won’t attract unnecessary sound into their homes, no mid–shopping-trip Goggling needed. (And Silent Mark doesn’t take money for conducting its tests) The family-owned organization has analyzed product launches in thirty to forty distinct categories, Szkiler says, and they’re adding more.
“If customers know how noise affects them, the way it affects their hearts and their endurance levels, everyone will be amazed how they buy for their houses,” she says. “We try to choose the exact complex science of [acoustics] and deliver that directly to the shopping mall.”
To that end, Quiet Mark is currently making its North American introduction and taking the battle against noise pollution stateside. It started formally over the summer, using the very first logo-awarded products hitting brick-and-mortar stores early next calendar year.
Quiet Mark has awarded several North American Products–items like room fans, hairdryers, room heaters, and more–using its award for excellence for acoustic design, and many of these items are available online. (See the entire list on Quiet Mark’s website.) Silent Mark–awarded items are the quietest in the market, without sacrificing functionality; the Magi mix 5200 XL food processor, as an example, includes a powerful, ultra-quiet commercial-grade induction motor which is the only brand of food chips to be given by Quiet Mark.
Next time you are Thinking of Buying an appliance or tool known to be on the side (or you’re wondering which noise-canceling headphones Really fulfill their promises), check for the Quiet Mark seal or even determine if Quiet Mark has given the product an award. Deciding given products mean you’re picking something that will present as little noise as possible in your Home–a precious item, especially in our overloaded world.