How a bi-folding door system is manufactured, installed, and designed it can create a huge impact on its end particularly its performance, its style, and its details which will determine its quality to your home.
As a buyer of this kind of component for your home, it is very important for you to have a proper guide in buying a bi-folding door so that you cannot just have a value for your money, but ultimately, as a consumer, you have full satisfaction of the product that you have purchased.
In this post, you will learn the bi-folding doors buying guide that every homeowner should learn.
- Aluminum materials- Considering that majority or bi-folding doors are made from aluminum, you should determine if the manufacturer uses scrap aluminum and re-forge it to create different products including bi-folding doors. This can lead to imperfections and can wear out easily. Also, this will affect the powder coating that is applied to the surface. If you notice that the powder coating has flaws and imperfections, then you should look for another system from another brand or manufacturer.
- Powder coating- In order to determine a high-quality finish of a powder-coated aluminum bi-folding door system, it should be completely smooth and very consistent when it comes to its finish. A great-quality finish can only be achieved if the manufacturer uses prime aluminum and superior-quality powder coating for it which is proven to last longer and makes the system strong.
- Check its weather permeability- Regardless if it is a low or mid-quality bi-folding door system, it should always meet the weather standards that is set in the industry, and high-quality bi-folding door systems always exceed these standards. Bi-folding door systems that have met the standards should have a sufficient strength to withstand weather conditions and has a stronger threshold, especially for rains and snow.
- Check the sightlines- A lot of manufacturers or Bifolding Door Factory measure the sightlines in different methods. There are some manufacturers out there that provide only the width of the profile of the entire door system like the length of the aluminum that connects the panes of the glass altogether. Aluminum made bi-folding doors have the slimmest sightlines compared to other materials like uPVC and timber, but it is pretty important to create a good balance between having the thinnest sightline possible at the same time you ensure that the doors can still be great when it comes to its security features and its durability.
- Threshold height- One of the biggest issues that a lot of people hold back in buying a bi-folding door is its threshold because this affects the door system about its ability to be waterproof especially during heavy rains. There are some manufacturers out there that markets their systems with having a low threshold but it is completely waterproof, however, you are not fully sure of it because the majority of these systems are not waterproof at all.
- Components of the Door-Make sure that you have checked the functionality, the mechanism, and the entire feel of the door system before you buy it. Bi-folding doors are designed to be ergonomic so, you should measure its component based on how ergonomic the system is.