Conserving water should not only be a practice at home. We should continue doing so even when we are not inside our houses, especially when we are at work. Fortunately, there are not plenty of water-saving solutions, some of them come at a great price, while others are for free. If you are not doing anything yet for your water conservation, then here are commercial water saving tips that you should be aware of.
Steps To Save Water At Work
Conserving water at work is a very important practice that should be taught to everyone. It may be a challenge at first, but the long-term effects that your company can benefit from it would be all worth the effort. So here are 6 simple steps to make sure that you are saving water at work:
- Opt For Low-Flow Toilets. Even at home experts reveal the flushing the toilet comprises 30% if our utility bills. How much more in the workplace? An inefficient toilet uses about 6 gallons of water on every flush. While an efficient toilet uses only 1.28 gallons of water or even less. That is definitely a huge saving. Our buildings or office has multiple toilets and if you do, then it is time to change up the toilet water flow soon.
- Faucets And Showers. Faucet use can cause a huge problem in your water bill. Why not attach aerators for your hand-washing faucets? This way the water mixes with air for a more misty spray. This means that it’s using less water compared to conventional faucets. If you have on-site showers, it is best to switch it to low-flow showerheads too.
- Put A Sing, Let Them Know! If you put up a sign to remind your coworkers to turn off the water while scrubbing their hands during hand-washing, it can be a huge help with your savings. In fact, it can save 2 gallons of water per minute.
- Water Conservation Education. Every employee should be aware that the company is serious when it comes to water conservation. You should add this to your employee handbook and spread the word that sustainability is important and an integral mission of the company.
- Reduce Pressure Washing. It is time to go back to the old ways – sweeping. Nowadays, we are fond of using water to clean the sidewalks and floors with pressure washing. Remind your cleaning team to stop using water for tasks that can also be done using other cleaning tools.
- Smart Watering. If you have landscaping at work, it should be watered regularly to maintain its beauty. If removing it is not an option, consider smart watering. Make sure that you only do it in the morning when the temperature is much cooler. This means that the water would be easily absorbed by the soil instead of just evaporating in the air. You can also install rain sensors for watering duties.
There are so many ways to save water at work. These are just some tips to help you and your employees start this practice. Remember that water is getting more and more scarce each day and we have to do everything that we can to reduce our usage and help with the conservation of water. Take the suggestions above and see the difference that it can give you and your company.