The Australians are known for their constant attention to cleanliness, which some say border on the fetish. Not just personal hygiene, but clean neighborhoods, and official and domestic houses, fall within the perimeter of cleanups. A vast range of equipment, tools and tackles, gadgets and chemicals add to the National Obsession with cleaning. The subject of house cleaning Australia is therefore dear to the heart of every true Australian, and should be to every clean human.
Scope of Work
The cleaning of domestic houses entails a number of standard and discrete jobs, which tend to be repeated with every house or flat or condo. It is useful to know the usual breakup of work involved, in order for the owners to secure a good honest bargain. The usual work list reads as follows:
- The Dusting of Furniture and Furnishings, window sills, and places where air-borne dust tends to collect.
- Vacuuming of corners and difficult to reach spots, such as heights, fan blades and so on.
- Sweeping of all floor space and open areas like verandahs.
- Mopping of floors in all rooms.
- Bathroom cleaning must include mirrors, cabinets doors, shelves, basins, toilets, showers and baths.
- Kitchens must be thoroughly cleaned, and include wiping down appliances, counters, sinks and cabinet doors.
- Cleaning, washing and drying of Dishes must also include scrubbing of all used utensils and tools used by the owners for their daily cooking, such as spoons and skillets.
- Other cleaning activities and areas pertinent to particular households depending on their interior layouts and design.
A Typical Routine
The cleaning of houses can be planned, but this varies from people to people, and country to country. Since our main concern here is for mighty Australia, let the typical house cleaning routine applicable to Australia be considered. This weekly routine can be as follows:
- Monday: The washing of all linen such as Bedsheets, Pillowcases, Towels and such kitchen tools. things.
- Tuesday: The methodical wiping clean of all interior windows.
- Wednesday: The cleaning of kitchen burners, stoves, hotplates, ovens, microwave, and heavy-use utensils and
- Thursday: The cleaning of all walls, brushing of ceilings, wiping away smudges and dirt and infested corners.
- Friday: The Vacuuming of furniture, and amenable furnishings, and dusting of interior decorations, paintings, statues, murals etc.
- Saturday: The cleaning of exteriors of all windows.
- Sunday: The vacuum cleaning of all carpets and rugs.
The Specialists
There are top companies all over Australia who are absolute specialists in house cleaning Australia. Some, like Absolute Domestics, are recognized all over Australia for their expertise and vast experience in Cleaning. Calling in the Cleaners can save valuable time for the householders, to actually enjoy Life once more.