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And the super bonus. It also applies to those who want to build a wooden house. With the Relaunch Decree, the 110% Superbonus was introduced , a tax incentive for building renovations that include seismic and energy redevelopment of existing buildings. Attention, however, to the fact that those carried out following a demolition of the existing and subsequent reconstruction are also included in the interventions that can be incentivized . There are two main conditions to be met: the same volume must be maintained and the building must be purely residential. Therefore, those who own land with an old building or those who decide to buy one, have the opportunity to enjoy important tax deductions (also enjoyable through discounts on the invoice). The bonus does not include all the expenses to be incurred, but in any case it is significant and concerns, for example, the laying of the coat , all the insulators, the purchase of fixtures and heating systems new home builders in port melbourne.

The new house can be built with different technologies and, for this reason, it is an interesting opportunity for those who want to build a wooden house , according to the principles of green building. In the case of a wooden building, the construction phases do not differ much from what happens for a traditional building (with a much shorter construction site) and, in the same way, it is essential to rely on the right, competent and qualified technician.

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The construction of prefabricated wooden houses is increasingly widespread and architects, engineers and companies specialized in the design, construction and sale of wooden houses are now easily found. Among the big advantages related to the construction site for the construction of a prefabricated house there is certainly the speed of assembly, much shorter than the time required to build a traditional house.

Initially, a preliminary project will be carried out , that is a first hypothesis for the realization of the rough calculation and the estimate of the costs of the works to be carried out. Thanks to the preliminary project, the client has the opportunity to discuss each choice with the designer , review the definition of the spaces in each environment and get an idea of ​​which other professionals will be involved, from the construction company to the craftsmen for the finishes. The preliminary design may undergo changes for various reasons, such as the need to reduce costs. Once a satisfactory and economically sustainable solution has been found for the client, the final project will be drawn up.

At this point a qualified technician, who is generally the architect who carried out the projects, produces all the technical documentation to be presented to the Municipality and to other interested bodies, in order to receive all the approvals to proceed with the execution of the works.